Giuseppe De Divitiis – Virgil Chiropractic Wellness

Giuseppe De Divitiis – Virgil Chiropractic Wellness
Business Addess:504 Line 2 Rd, Virgil, ON L0S 1T0
Member:Giuseppe De Divitiis

Virgil Chiropractic and Wellness is a full service, multidisciplinary wellness center located in Virgil, Ontario, offering our patients the highest quality of care.  Our combination of highly-skilled practitioners, along with state-of-the-art equipment and modern techniques, enables our patients – parents, teachers, students, athletes, weekend warriors, those with auto-accident injuries, WSIB injuries or anyone else seeking optimal health – to heal quickly and completely.  Our services include: Chiropractic, Naturopathy, Massage, and Reiki to the Niagara Region for everyone’s wellness needs.

At Virgil Chiropractic and Wellness, patients are encouraged to take an active role in determining their health goals, which may include chiropractic care, naturopathy, massage, acupuncture, nutritional planning, and Reiki.  Whether you have back or neck pain, shoulder problems, food allergies, or dietary concerns, or you just need to discuss your overall wellness, don’t hesitate and come talk to us today.

Pain is NOT a lifestyle.

Call us today at 905.468.4959 to schedule your first appointment.